Cloudy Day? How to Charge Solar Lights Without the Sun
We love our solar lights during our summer backyard parties and barbecues, but what happens if there's not enough sun during the short, winter days?
Don't worry, there are a few ways to charge your solar lights even on cloudy days or indoors.
We gathered some of our top expert-backed tips:
1. Cleanliness is Key
Did you know solar panels also charge on cloudy days? That's because solar panels charge based on the number of photons absorbed - not just based on sunlight.
On cloudy days, there are still photons emitted so your panels will still charge.
Sometimes, we find that a film of dust, dirt, and even snow can significantly hinder their ability to absorb light.
To keep your lights charging optimally, we recommend wiping them down with a damp cloth to maximize their charging potential, even on overcast days.
Here's a great Quora thread on how these panels work.
2. USB to the Rescue
Do you have any solar lanterns for your porch or patio? Or do you take solar lights with you camping?
Most solar lanterns also have a built-in USB port. This allows you to conveniently charge them using a USB cable connected to a power source like your laptop, power bank, or wall adapter.
Below is a list of our lights that are also compatible with USB Charging:
3. Incandescent/Artificial Light
Incandescent bulbs, in particular, emit a spectrum of light that solar panels can utilize. Place your lights close to a bright incandescent bulb for several hours. However, keep in mind that this method is less efficient than sunlight and may take longer to fully charge your lights.
While it seems counterintuitive and a little silly to use a light to charge another light, it could just be a fun fact to know!
At Techko, we use this just to "jumpstart" a light that's been in storage or test to make sure that they are turning on properly.
Remember: While these methods can help, nothing beats direct sunlight for efficiently charging your solar lights. When possible, always let them soak up the sun's rays for optimal performance.
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